Our Special Grandson

Donna Garrett-Miller details how her grandson, Noah, was born with complications that led to an Ankyloblepharon-Ectodermal Defects-Clefting (AEC) syndrome diagnosis.

Be Cool to Oneself

Cyprian Katongo encourages others affected by ectodermal dysplasia to be who they are and not give in to the bullies who may diss them. Whether you live in Africa, the United States or somewhere else, he has a message of hope for you.

Keep on Trucking

At 45, Erica Merriweather has spent a lifetime being treating differently, even bullied, because her teeth are different due to ectodermal dysplasia. Now, she’s fighting to get treatment.

Made With Love

With two young sons affected by hyphidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, Anissa Morgan has faced insurance denials, numerous hospitalizations, child care issues and finding doctors to treat them. That’s on top of learning how to care for their varied symptoms. But this determined mother has learned lessons along the way and is teaching her sons that they are well loved. Learn more here.

Marching On After Diagnosis

Jonathan Weil tells the story of how his family grew in strength and knowledge after his daughter, Maddie’s, diagnosis with ecodermal dysplasias. They’ve come a long way from feeling helpless.

A Wild Yet Silent Thunderstorm

Heather Martin struggled to find answers after her son Isaiah did not fully develop teeth from birth. She was told by multiple dentists that his teeth should be capped, but she did not listen. Follow Heather’s journey as she fianlly finds the answers she was looking for in a diagnosis.

Jeronimo, Our Teacher

Jorgelina, a mother in Argentina, was shocked and sad when one of her twin sons was diagnosed with ectodermal dysplasia. As an English teacher, she decided to learn everything she could. But, it was her son, Jeronimo, who became her best teacher and changed her attitude.

Clouston Syndrome: Perfectly Different

Addison Kemper spent her life being told she’s perfect, but knowing she was different. She had little hair and problems with her nails. Kids bullied her. Life was hard at times. She knew she must have a condition of some kind but found no answers. Her baby’s arrival led her to a diagnosis for both: Clouston syndrome. Those two words opened the door a new world.